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6 Ways to Escape Comparison

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6 ways to escape comparison

Have you ever realized that comparison is what can ruin a happy or content day? I sure have, especially lately.

I can be killing it in the gym and feeling amazing, then will look over to see a girl with an even better body. Instantly, my legs look a little bigger and my stomach less flat. Or I’ll feel good about my income, only to learn that my friends make double and all of a sudden my job (that I enjoy!) isn’t adequate.

It’s an ugly trend that has plagued my life for decades, and after having convos with my girlfriends, I know I’m not alone. Because of that, I’m working on ways to avoid it—or at least lessen it—and I’d love to share the things that have worked for me! Here are 6 ways to escape comparison and the accompanying feelings:

Stay in your own Lane

One of the biggest faults with comparison is that you’re often lining up apples to oranges. Sure, the girl at the gym might be thinner than me, but she also might be 10 years younger with an insane metabolism. Or my friends might make more money, but they’re at the office for 13 hours a day. Remember that everyone is different and instead of trying to be someone else, work on being the best version of yourself.


Often times comparison is simply busy noise circulating in our minds. Meditation can be a healthy remedy for when you need to remove your brain from certain situations or to refresh. Try using the HeadSpace app a few times a week, or whenever you can’t get rid of annoying thoughts.

Turn off social media

Without a doubt, social media amplifies comparison. Not only is it displaying unrealistic ideals, but it’s also constant images of what my life doesn’t look like. Who agrees?

If I’m starting to feel bad when looking at my feed, I log off for the day. Also, I’ve started to unfollow people who don’t spark inspiration or happiness.

Replace it with a Hobby

Instead of snacking on a slice of comparison, find a hobby that you enjoy. That way, whenever you’re having a rough moment, you can immerse yourself in something positive that you know will bring you happiness. For me, that’s writing or walking with my dog! Other ideas might be creating a playlist, working out, or drawing.

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Keep a List

I’ve begun keeping a list of compliments or things I like about myself on my phone. It might sound vain, but it’s truly helpful when comparison or self-doubt is lingering. Simply reading through the list is a quick reminder that I am all of these positive things. A gratitude list can work wonders too! I always feel silly comparing thigh size when I remember that I have a loving support system and food on my table.

Focus on Small Goals

You’re less likely to compare yourself to others if you feel like you’re succeeding. Instead of making a to-do list with big projects that you more than likely won’t accomplish in one work day, focus on daily tasks that can easily be checked off. Those little things can add up to major self-motivation and feeling proud of yourself.

What are your tips for avoiding or escaping comparison? I’d love to hear!

Today’s post is written by contributor Chelsea Becker, a San Diego native, living and writing in San Francisco. Follow her on Instagram & Pinterest.



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