Sweater: Fair Isle Sweater, sold out (love this one, this one and this one) | Jeans: High Rise Skinny Jeans | Boots: Lowland Over the Knee Boots, more colors here | Bag: Transport Leather Tote | Glasses: Saybrook Round Sunglasses
I find myself doing a lot of slowing down and reflecting during the holiday season. There’s something about the holidays that make me look around and take a moment to be thankful for everything the past year has brought us. The smallest things can get my creativity flowing, give me a burst of joy and reminds me how lucky we really are.
When I start feeling overwhelmed and stressed, it’s usually because I’m getting to caught up in small stuff and not living and appreciating the current moment. Here are my tips and tricks for being present and living in the moment on a regular basis.


How to Be Present
Put Your Phone Away
Easier said than done, right? I don’t know about you, but I know I’m really bad about being on my phone, all the time. Yes, it’s part of my job, but when I put it on silent and stick it in my bag or in another room, I find that it’s so much easier to live in the moment and focus on what’s actually going on. Not to mention, I also get a lot more done when I’m not constantly picking it up and scrolling Instagram.
Fair Isle Sweaters
Listen & Engage
Somedays I find my mind so busy that when I sit down to talk to a friend or family member, I have trouble focusing. I’m trying to, but I’m also simultaneously checking things off my mental to do list and thinking about what needs to get done the next day. Taking a moment to stop and really listen and engage in the conversation that you’re having can make a huge difference in your happiness and your relationships.

Single Task
Taking on one thing at a time makes you more focused on the task at hand and allows you to do a better job at completing it. I also find that when I’m doing one thing at a time, I do a better job. When you have a gazillion things on your list, it can be tempting to do as many things as you can at once, but I promise, you’ll be more productive and feel less stressed if you master the art of single tasking.
Brown Suede Boots
No Tech Night
Last year, Rob and I used to have a designated week night that we cut out technology. That meant no phones and no TV (we did allow for some background music). We’d cook dinner together, have great conversations, make plans for future travels, talk deeper about our careers, and play cards over a glass of wine. I always found that these nights were so relaxing and made me remember not to sweat the small stuff! Another perk? I always slept really well after a quiet, technology-free evening.

Look Around & Appreciate
It’s so easy to go about our routines, walking with our heads down, looking at our phones, headphones playing music. I like to challenge myself to not do those things. Instead, I try to look around and notice something new or beautiful on our afternoon walks. It’s easy for me to get stuck in my own head. Thinking about what chores still need to get done, worrying about Owen’s sleep schedule. Or how I’ll manage raising a baby and working. Taking a brief moment to look around at the beauty around us, always reminds me how lucky I truly am and all those other worries seem so minimal after that.

One of my favorite things about moving to Lakeview last spring is the calming neighborhood vibe. I wore this outfit a few weeks ago on one of our afternoon outings. I’ve been crushing on fair isle sweaters hard this year. I think it’s because the fun patterns make it easy to get away with very few to no accessories. Just add jeans, boots and booties and I’m ready for the day!
It’s a little tougher to get out of the house these days. However when we do, I’m always so happy that we did. When you’re inside with a baby all day, it is so refreshing to get outside and have the sun hit your face (if it’s out!) and see other people going about life as normal. For whatever reason, it really helps me to live in the moment and be thankful for these long and messy newborn days.
Do you find that you get stuck in your own thoughts easily? What tips do you have for living in the moment?
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