Good morning and welcome back from the long weekend. I’m writing from my kitchen table this morning with a warm matcha latte. The ‘L’ runs by every few minutes, creating a rushing river sound—it’s about as outdoorsy as it gets in my neighborhood, but those sounds feel like home to me. My half un-packed bag sits on the floor with a mountain of laundry next to it. Owen is finally napping (he’s still figuring out how to sleep on his belly) and I’m soaking up one of my favorite parts of the day and reminiscing on how much fun we had this weekend.
We were in Denver for a wedding and we had wedding events three nights in a row. I can’t tell you the last time I was out three nights in a row! Long before I was even pregnant is my best guess.
We caught up with friends, laughed, stayed up too late, went to the pool, sat on a patio in the sunshine drinking beer and managed to get plenty of baby snuggles in there too. It was one of those weekends where I left my phone in my bag, didn’t check my email or Instagram, and just soaked up everything that was happening in that moment. It’s times like this that I get this joyful warm feeling inside me and I know that I need to prioritize this more often.

This year, Owen has been my main focus. It’s caused me to slow down a lot, and appreciate the little things. But, I’m naturally a go-go-go kind of person when it comes to my work. So it’s been hard to let that go. The crazy thing is that I’m finding that the more I just let go and relax into my new role, the more things fall into place and the happier everyone is.
I woke up this morning, still exhausted, but feeling more at peace and calm than I have been in a long time. Sometimes, all you need is a long weekend full of friends, family and beautiful weather to make you realize that life is too short to not enjoy.
It also got me thinking about this blog. I’ve mentioned this before, but I feel very lucky to get to do something I love everyday. Sure, I don’t love it every day—does anyone love every aspect of their job, every day?! If so, I want to know about it. Lately, I’ve been feeling pressure, mostly self-induced, to make every single post this amazing, memorable, life-changing article, and it’s starting to wear me thin.
Don’t get me wrong, I love writing stories on how to be stronger, ideas on what to wear this season, after all, it’s the same kind of content that I love to read too! But, I also miss the old days of blogging where things weren’t always so thought out. I’d sit down at my computer and write whatever was on my heart, or share some random snapshots of what we did over the weekend. I want to write about more of this real stuff, those raw moments, and feeling and emotions. Because, well, it’s real. As much as I love reading things like 5 tips for making mornings easier (something I should re-read and actually practice), I also want you to know that my life isn’t perfect or idyllic. I’m only human, just like the rest of you.

Since we moved, I’ve been going to bed exhausted and waking up exhausted. So after this weekend, I decided I have to change the cycle. I’m tired of being tired! So, after I wrote this, I spent the morning tidying the house. Honestly I can’t stand the mess, and brainstorming ways we I can slow down this summer.
I want to get in bed each night and feel content, and at peace. Excited for another day, but pleased with the one that I just had. Happy that I got up and fed my baby, cleaned our house, cooked dinner for my family, went on a walk with Owen and showed him how beautiful Chicago is in the summer. Happy that I spent time connecting with Rob, catching up with a friend on the phone and unconcerned that I didn’t open my computer all day.
We need more real, don’t you think? So, I’m vowing to share more of the real stuff. You know, the random moments, the questions, concerns or things that keep my up at night. And the good stuff, Owen’s milestones, interesting things I’ve learned and more candid moments from our daily lives.

The change of seasons, and warmth of summer after a Chicago winter is always a good reminder to slow down. I think because summer seems to go by so fast when you live somewhere cold, and I’m always worried I won’t take enough advantage of the beautiful days! Here’s to letting obligations take a back seat, and prioritizing the things that bring us joy this summer!
Do you have similar feelings after a long weekend or break in your normal life? What fun things did you do over the long weekend? Also what plans do you have for the rest of summer?
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