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How is it already almost the end of January?! If I’m being honest, it took me a good three weeks to really get going this year. Usually I’d be anxious and stressed about it, but for whatever reason, I feel great. Well, a little sick still, but overall, very good about this year’s slow start. I’m calm, collected and bizarrely unconcerned with my lack of focus this past month. Sometimes you just need a break from the stuff you do day in and day out to get re-energized and ready!
But, I’m feeling more like getting back into the swing of things, and I’m excited about the rest of the content I have planned for this month! Mainly because they’re all topics that I seriously think about all the time. If you read this post from the very beginning of the new year, you’ll know that I’m aiming to share a whole lot more of my health journey, more wellness, self-care, fitness and all the other stuff that goes on with it.
Since having Owen and struggling with health and energy for the past year, it’s become something I’m really really passionate about and I want to share all the things I’m trying and what’s working in case you find yourself in a similar position, or in case you’re just ready to make healthier choices!
Today’s post is all about energy.
Getting it back and keeping it! This was and sometimes still is my biggest struggle since having Owen. Yes, I know kids are exhausting, but the level of fatigue that I felt was not the norm and finding balance again has been a long process. But, as soon as I got a taste of what it felt like to have my energy back, I knew it was 100% worth fighting for.
Why? Because it feels good to feel good!
But, when you feel terrible, it’s hard to get and stay motivated, so I wanted to share some tips and things that have helped me naturally rebuild my energy.
Of course, sometimes you’ll just have an off day. Maybe you’re sick. But, if you’re chronically tired, wiped out and struggle to get through the day, these will help. I knew, because that’s the place I started from.

How to Boost your Energy
Develop Healthy Sleep Habits
If there’s one thing I’ve learned since having a kid, it’s that sleep is far more essential than I ever could have imagined. I still struggle to get in bed as early as I’d like, but we’re getting there.
One of the easiest ways to get better sleep is to go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time every day. Yes, even on the weekends. And, if you have a kid, that’s probably already your life. Everyone’s body needs different amounts of sleep, so I can’t suggest a certain amount that’s good for everyone, but in my opinion, more is best!
I know my body needs a lot of sleep to feel it’s best, and in a perfect world, I’d get 8-9 hours each night. That rarely happens for me, but the good news is that since I started focusing on better sleep habits, I don’t wake up as much in the night, and according to my Fitbit, I’m getting more deep sleep than I used to—whoop!
I highly suggest you check out this post if you’re looking for natural ways to get your circadian rhythm back in line. It’ll take some time and diligence on your part, but will do wonders for your energy!
Eat Cleaner
The better you fuel your body, the better you’re going to feel! I’ve always considered us healthy eaters, but after reading a few books and watching some health documentaries, I’ve thought twice about what I’m putting in my body each day. I’ve never been one to strictly follow any diet, mostly because I know I’d give in and be disappointed that I’d “failed”.
That being said, we try to eat only whole foods (though I have a weakness for pretzel chips) and minimally processed foods from the grocery shelves. I rarely eat dairy, have cut way back on gluten, animal protein and fats. It’s been a change for sure, but my digestion has improved so much! I also find that I don’t need as much protein as I thought I did. Most weekdays, I try to go vegan/vegetarian through lunch and then have some meat with dinner. When I do have it, it’s a much smaller portion than I used to eat.
Eating less protein and more healthy carbohydrates gives me so much more energy and overall makes me feel lighter and more alert!
I’m planning on doing an updated post of what I eat in a day, so stay tuned for that!

Stay Hydrated
I always thought I was a good water drinker. But last summer, my doctor told me I needed to be drinking a lot more. A big reason for me was that I have low blood pressure. Nearly every time I’d stand up, I felt dizzy and lightheaded. Turns out, I think I was chronically dehydrated. My body was screaming for more hydration and I just didn’t know it!
Since upping my water intake (I aim for 112oz. a day) and drinking celery juice in the morning, I almost never get that dizziness. And, if I do, I know I haven’t had enough water that day.
Whenever I start feeling groggy or out of it, I ask myself, have I had water?! I usually feel so much better after drinking more and my energy comes back almost instantly!
Drink Celery Juice
I can’t say enough good things about celery juice. It helped me get rid of my brain fog, my digestion is so much better. I’m rarely ever bloated and I have more energy. In fact, it’s basically replaced my need for morning coffee (though sometimes I still have a decaf). Celery juice helps to detox your body (especially your liver). Also, get rid of all the gunk that’s been hanging around for too long making you feel crappy.
I noticed a difference within two weeks and now I’m nearly 3 months in and continue to feel better. Of course, I have days in there where I’m tired or don’t feel 100%. But that’s expected, and often times it’s detox symptoms. When your body is healing and detoxing, it can actually make you feel crappy for a bit while it does that, but you’ll feel infinitely better once it’s gone through that process.
I could go on and on, but read this post if you want to know more about celery juice, the benefits and how it’s changed my life for the better!

Exercise Regularly
A body in motion stays in motion! If you’re active and work exercise into your routine on a daily basis, you’ll have more energy. Even if that means starting slow. Walking is one of the best exercises and it’s also easy. As you build up strength and energy, start working different types of exercise into your routine. I personally love strength training because when I feel stronger, I feel healthier. Also, it helps me to make better choices in other areas of my life.
All of these things have majorly helped me with boosting my energy. My other suggestion is to be consistent and patient. Good things take time, but it’s worth it!
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