Floral Print Dress, also love this one | Suede Moto Jacket, dark grey here | Harper Mules, more sizes here | Allsaints Tote (sold out), similar here and here | ‘O’ Initial Necklace | BareMinerals Lip Lacquer in Pout
Not too long ago, I bought and read (part of) Marie Kondo’s Book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I won’t lie, it was a little intense for me. Throwing away everything that doesn’t spark joy? Easier said than done. Owen’s plethora of baby toys covering our living room definitely doesn’t spark joy for me, but he loves them, so they’re not going anywhere!
I did like this method when it came to clothing though. I ended up doing a huge purge of my closet and I think I got rid of at least 1/3 of my stuff, if not more! It felt good, and getting dressed everyday in the pieces that I love, also makes me feel good! But her whole theory on sparking joy made me think—how can I spark joy in other areas of my life, not just my home! After doing some thinking, here’s what I came up with.

How to Spark Joy Everyday
Choose Happiness
This might require a bit of an attitude adjustment if you’re a naturally cynical person. But, deciding to be happy, to see the silver lining and talk positively despite how your day unfolds is one easy way to spark joy. I find that choosing happiness in a single moment can act like a domino effect. It feels good to be content and at peace, so the more you choose happiness, the more you’ll find it.
Live in the Present
I’m terrible about this, but it’s been bubbling up in my head a lot lately. I find myself feeling rushed and stressed throughout my day, but I can’t put my finger on what exactly is making me feel that way. Focusing on what I’m doing in that moment is tough, as my mind seems to constantly wonder to the next thing, but such a good exercise in mindfulness. When you’re engaged in the moment you’re participating in, it’s so much more enjoyable. Try to be mindful of this today and see how often you catch yourself thinking about something else while you’re doing another thing.

Listen to Your Heart
This can be hard, because listening to your heart might not always be the logical thing. Lately, I’ve been feeling a tug at my heart to give myself a break. To slow down and take a moment in my day to do something good for myself. My friend prioritizes my to- do list and work, but I can feel my body and heart crying out for more self-love and self-care and it’s time I start listening to it and acting on it. Something that I’ve been wanting to do every day is a quick yoga sequenece and meditate. At the end of every day when I haven’t done those things, I think, okay, tomorrow, I’ll do it. If we don’t fulfill our heart desries, then we’re unlikely to ever truly be happy.
Dress Confidently
The idea of dressing confidently first sparks images of business suits and pencil skirts, as if I’m going to an interview and want to look the part. What I really mean, is dress in what makes YOU feel confident. This might be high-waisted Levi’s and a crisp white shirt, or your favorite dress and a pair of sandals (both of those work for me!). The great thing about this, is that it’s different for everyone. So before you get dressed tomorrow, look around your closet and think about what pieces make you feel your best and put those on for the day!
Floral Dresses

Forgive Someone
Stress is terrible for our bodies and carrying around a grudge or anger towards someone is only doing harm to your heart and mind. It can be tough to forgive, especially when you feel hurt, but releasing that anger or pain can feel like a huge weight is lifted off. You might still feel the sting of it, but it no longer feels like such a burden.
Say I Love You
Being married for almost four years, we say I love you a lot. But sometimes it’s out of habit. Before we go to bed at night or before Rob leaves for work. It’s not that I don’t mean it then, but I find that when I say it in a moment when we’re having a good conversation or being goofy with each other, it feels more meaningful. It’s like saying, “I love this part of you” and pointing it out in that moment always make me feel really good.

Staying positive everyday isn’t all that easy and let’s be real. I don’t expect anyone to be happy every single day. Having ups and downs is what makes those good days even better, right?! But, when you’re in a pinch, try one of these for a little boost! Or, try incorporating them into your everyday life for bursts of joy on the regular.
What tips do you have for sparking joy?! I’d love to hear them!
BTW, the 7 best supplements to keep your family healthy, and how to be more sustainable in your day to day life.
photography by Hannah Schweiss
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