Self-esteem is a funny thing, isn’t it? Personally, it has always wavered for me. There would be times when I was extremely proud of my life. I’d be happy with how I felt at the end of each day, I’d have motivation, I’d even like what I saw in the mirror, then boom!, the negative thoughts would come creeping in. Before I knew it, I’d be in a complete self-hate spiral.
Over the years, I became fed up with that roller coaster of emotion. I started looking for ways to balance my self-esteem and stay a fan of myself always. To make this a priority, I began incorporating practices that have made a drastic impact on how I feel internally.
At the end of the day, our body and mind is where we spend all our time—it should be a nice place to live!
If you’re feeling down on yourself, here are some self-esteem boosters that have worked for me:
Set Daily Intentions
Setting an intention (I do mine in the shower each morning) is a perfect way to assess how you’re feeling and what you want out of the day. Depending on my head space, I’ll set an intention like, “Move slow” or “Do what makes me proud.” Intentions aren’t like goals that have a clear endgame, either, and I love the flexibility that they provide. It’s simply a positive practice to work at. If I find myself straying from my intention, I forgive myself and move towards it again.
Invest in Strong Relationships
Simply put, surrounding yourself with negative people will promote negativity within. Building relationships with friends, family members, and coworkers who leave you feeling good about yourself is essential. As adults, we can usually choose who we want to hang with, and that’s something to take advantage of! Surround yourself with supportive, inspiring individuals and leave the toxic people out.
I know, I know, exercise is always on these lists, but for good reason! Exercise equals endorphins which are a direct correlation to happiness. Plus, your jeans fitting well is an instant self-esteem uplift. Don’t think that exercise needs to be brutal either—do what makes YOU feel good. For me, that’s yoga and Pilates. Spinning leaves me uncomfortable, so I skip it. Find what your body and mind respond best to!
Learning something new always leaves me feeling fulfilled. If my self-esteem is suffering, reading a different type of book, watching something other than reality TV, or listening to a podcast is a sure way to get a boost. Adding news accounts to my Twitter feed is another simple way to stay educated. Being a smart woman leaves me feeling confident, and the Real Housewives are always waiting.
Take a Social Media Break
Comparison kills self-esteem, so when I’m feeling less than great, my social media gets shut off. It’s essential to remember that social media is all of the prettiest moments and that no one’s life is perfect—even Beyonce herself. Focusing on that and nixing Instagram for a few hours leaves me in a much better head space.
I’d love to know how you feel about self-esteem and any boosters to add to my list!
BTW, how to become a morning person.
Today’s post is written by contributor Chelsea Becker, a San Diego native, living and writing in San Francisco. Follow her on Instagram & Pinterest.
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