Despite the warm weather we’ve been getting, I’d had fall on my brain. Even though I’m no longer in school (even writing class is over), I still get into that back-to-school mindset. Anyone else?
I typically do some deep cleaning, closet purging and general life organization. I guess that’s kind of true for every season, but I get extra motivated by fall!
My summer attitude of “I’ll just do it tomorrow,” goes to the wayside and productive Blair kicks in. After working from home for the past 4 and a half years, I’ve learned a lot. I’ve had to become a lot more self-motivated and disciplined, and I’ve found that there’s a few key things that help me stay focused. So, today I wanted to share a few of my tips for how to be more productive.
It’s not as hard as you think!
1. Get Dressed
This is especially important for people who work from home or work remotely! It’s easy to throw on yoga pants or stay in your PJs all day, but when I do that, I never feel like my day really started. Waking up, and getting dressed and ready like I would for an office job puts my mind in work mode. Plus, I feel more like a girl boss when I’m dressed in a cute outfit.
This flowy red top (comes in 4 more colors!), white jeans, and booties are the perfect casual work outfit for me. The top is super comfortable. I also love wearing these white jeans into fall. I think it’s the perfect way to slowly transition your wardrobe, and they’d even be cute with my suede over the knee boots once it gets cooler!
I scooped up this new top and boots at Nordstrom during their last sale ! As you guys know, I love Nordstrom. They always have the best selection and offer so many different price points, which is perfect for mixing & matching! They also offer free shipping & returns-can’t beat that.

2. Get Out of The House
Sometimes all I need is a change of scenery, so I’ll head out to a café, coffee shop or Soho House to get focused. Being at home, it’s easy to get distracted with laundry, dishes or other chores. Once those distractions are removed, the problem is solved!
3. Turn it Off
One of my best productivity tips? Turn off your phone and close your email while you tackle your to-do list. They’re both incredibly distracting! You’ll be amazed by how much you can do once they’re off! I find this especially helpful on days when I have to do a lot of writing because it requires me to really get in the zone.


4. Don’t Multitask
Multitasking can actually, make you LESS productive. Tackle one item from start to finish before starting the next.
5. Block Your Time
Working straight for 5 hours might sound productive, but your brain isn’t wired that way. Working for long stretches can actually make you less productive—plus, it’s draining! I like to block my time into chunks, usually an hour and a half at the longest. Or I’ll give myself a specific amount of time to only focus on one thing. It holds me accountable and makes my to-do list a lot less intimidating!
Breaks are also really good for you! Give your eyes a rest from staring at the computer or take a quick walk around the block or your office to get the blood flowing and re-energize you for whatever’s left on your list!
Of course, I’m guilty of having very unproductive days too, but when I know I need to get things done, I use these tricks to make it happen. Getting dressed for my day is probably the most important because it really sets the tone of my whole day.
Does getting dressed and ready make you more productive? What other tips do you have to increase productivity?
BTW, how to jazz up a plain outfit.
*This post was sponsored by Nordstrom, as always, all opinions are my own! Thank you for supporting the brands that make The Fox & She possible!
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