![How to Receive Signs from the Universe to Know You're On the Right Path](https://thefoxandshe.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/signs-from-the-universe-1.jpg)
A few weeks ago I started re-reading one of my favorite books from Gabby Bernstein. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend grabbing it, ideally in a hard copy so you can easily reference it.
One of my favorite things I took away from this book was picking your own sign from the Universe. If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know that my sign is a feather and that in the past year, it’s become so meaningful to me.
In the book, Gabby suggests you pick a sign, it can be anything—more on that in a bit—and when you need guidance, to ask the Universe to show you your sign to let you know you’re on the right path.
At first I thought it sounded a little silly, but I went with it, picked my sign, and as soon as I started asking the Universe to show it to me, it did in crazy ways.
How to Receive Signs from The Universe
Pick Your Sign
Your sign can literally be anything—an object, a song, a sequence of numbers, etc.—just close your eyes and think about your sign and it will come to you. Mine was a feather, I have no idea why, but that’s what popped into my head.
My sister’s is a butterfly. I’ve heard many people who have specific numbers as their sign, it can really be anything!
Ask for Your Sign
After I picked a sign, I expected feathers to start showing up everywhere, and they didn’t. Then I started asking the Universe—”please show me my sign to give me peace of mind that things will fall into place”—I asked for this a lot back in April when we were hoping to move, but had a lot of moving parts that needed to settle. I remember asking and then going for a walk with Owen and boom—I found a feather sitting next to the flower he was point at.
I asked again when we put an offer on the house, “show me my sign if we got the house”—3 feathers on that walk, and a call 3 hours later—the house was ours!
When you ask, be prepared for the Universe to work, and sometimes quickly!
Be Patient
And, sometimes it takes more time. Sometimes the not getting your sign, is a sign that you’re not moving on the right path. That might mean you have to re-think things, work through your own blocks, keep the faith, and then ask again. Your sign will appear when it’s right!
Have Fun
When your energy is high, life feels fun, effortless and so joyful. I have had these experiences more and more lately and I can’t tell you how amazing it feels. Fears and worries melt away because I know the Universe literally has my back. If I can tune into that love and energy, I know I will be guided to what I’m called to do.
So, let all that sh*t go and have fun, focus on the good and know that the Universe is busy aligning things as long as you keep having a good time.
Relinquish Control & Allow Yourself to Be Guided
As humans, it’s hard for us to relinquish control. We want to believe that we can handle everything ourselves. But we don’t have to, and it’s far more fun when you let go. And allow yourself to be guided by tuning into that inner wisdom we all have.
When you step back and allow the Universe to guide you, things fall into place like you could not imagine. It feels effortless and easy, because it is!
Your Sign Will Be Crystal Clear
When you receive your sign, it will be clear as day, like a smack in the face! Boom, there it is! If you see something that sort of reminds you of your sign, it’s not your sign. It will be clear as day when it appears, no mistaking!
Give Thanks When the Universe Guides You
When you receive your sign, take a moment to pause, give thanks and feel the joy knowing you’re on the right path. Every time I see a feather, I stop and actually smile. It’s become such a welcome, happy sight in my life. It reminds me that I’m on the right path, and sometimes pushes me back into flow of energy I want to be in if I’ve fallen off track. It’s such a gift and I can’t wait for you to experience it too.
Okay, take a moment to think of your sign and if you’d like, share it below! Or, if you have a sign and have a cool story to share, please share it! I loveeeee hearing them!
BTW, how to change your mindset this year, and more on my feather story.
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