Stay healthy while traveling and it’s always been important to me—who wants to get to their vacation destination only to get sick, or return home and get ill. Nowadays, healthy travel has a whole new meaning! It’s not just about feeling your best, but trying to not catch an infectious disease and making sure that we’re doing what we can to prevent the spread of germs (bonus tip: pack your own hand sanitizer!)
If you’re heading anywhere anytime soon, prior to your trip, make sure to read through these tips for staying healthy before and during your vacation.
How to Stay Healthy While Traveling
Pre-Trip & Flight Tips
Pack Snacks
Buying snacks is always so expensive at the airport, so I always stock up on some of our favorites, and make sure I have plenty of things for the kids so that no one has a meltdown mid-flight. A few of our favorites are RX bars, dried mango, fresh fruit like apples and bananas or I’ll chop some up and bring it in a reusable container.
Stay Calm
Personally, I get really stressed when it comes to travel. Packing for myself and two kids, I always worry that I’m going to forget something essential. On the morning of travel, I’m always running around the house grabbing last minute things and I get so stressed!
This time around I really tried to get everything ready ahead of time so I wasn’t freaking out as much. Deep breathing, meditating and visualizing help me so much, especially as we’re on our way to the airport.
Bring a Water Bottle
Again, you can buy one at the airport, but bringing your own (just make sure it’s empty before security) is much more affordable and eco-friendly. Either way, make sure to drink plenty of water. Having a water bottle makes me drink so much more water and stay hydrated!
Most airports now have the easy bottle refilling stations too (though I’ve seen some are closed right now). I always drink at least one bottle before we board and then refill before we board. My favorite water bottles is from Hydroflask—the bigger the better! I love the 32oz. one!
Eat Before Your Flight
Even though the morning is always crazy, I always make sure to eat something. If we have a morning flight, I always make sure to have my go-to fiber-packed smoothie, and if I have time for it, I’ll make a piece of avocado toast too.
If we have time for lunch, a good pre-flight meal that’s filled with complex carbs like brown rice or quinoa, a good protein, like salmon or chicken, and a healthy fat like avocado is ideal! Not only does it keep you full longer, but it won’t make you feel heavy or bloated a few hours into the flight.
Pack Your Collagen
As you guys know, I love Vital Proteins and use several of their products on a regular basis. I’m trying to get more protein in my diet, and a scoop of their Collagen Peptides has 18g of protein, plus 20g of collagen! Collagen is essential for healthy skin, nails and hair. A bunch of their products like the Collagen Peptides, Beauty Waters, Matcha Collagen, Bone Broths and more come in perfect travel size portions, so you don’t have to lug around the whole canister.
Skip the Wine & Soda
I’m always tempted to get a drink on late afternoon or evening flights—I mean, I am on vacation, right?! But, alcohol can leave you dehydrated, even more so when you drink at altitude. If I have a glass of wine on a flight, I often feel incredibly thirsty and sometimes get a headache.
Normally, one glass of wine wouldn’t do that to me! I also try to skip soda, unless I’m nauseous, which is often sadly! I get plane-sick easily. If I feel terrible, I’ll get a ginger ale, otherwise, I stick to water or sparkling water only!
Long Trips
For longer trips, pack your own healthy meals and snacks and bring a mini toiletry bag so you can brush your teeth and wash your face—always bring extra moisturizer as planes can be very drying.
If you’re crossing time zones and expecting jet lag, try to relax and take a nap on the plane so when you land you’re not completely drained and exhausted. The first few days of an overseas trip, I recommend that you listen to your body and take it easy so that you don’t wear yourself out and risk getting sick.
Staying Healthy Throughout Your Trip
Always Eat Breakfast
Once you’re on your trip, the real fun begins! This is also the time that all health goals can quickly fly out the window. Make sure to start your day with a good breakfast that has proteins, carbs, healthy fats and some fiber, plus lots of water.
It will keep you full longer and give you more energy! Getting a protein and healthy fat in also helps keep your blood sugar level, which is super important to feeling well.
Walk When You Can to Stay Healthy While Traveling
Whenever we travel, we usually opt for public transit and try to walk everywhere. Not only is it a great way to see a new city, it’s also a good way to stay active and feel your best.
A few years ago in California we went for long walks down the beach and in the neighborhood which was really hilly—my calves were feeling the burn for sure!
Pack Accordingly
One thing I’m super excited about is the warm weather on this trip. Thankfully we have beautiful weather in Colorado, but sunshine, the pool and beach!! I am so excited to finally pull out some favorite dresses, plus some new things I got like this bikini, this bikini, this dress, and these shorts. Wearing pieces you love and that you feel good in can be an instant mood-booster, especially after this year!
Vacation Dresses
Keep Up Your Skincare Routine
I used to just bring random samples that I had laying around, but I finally went and bought travel size bottles so I can bring the products that I actually want to use. A change in environment can put stress on your body (even if you don’t feel stressed), and keeping your routine as normal as possible can help keep your skin healthy.
I also love my skincare routine and it feels extra luxurious and relaxing when I’m doing it on vacation! Make sure you’re wearing sunscreen everyday, especially if you’re somewhere sunny!
The 70-30 Rule
You’ve probably heard of the 80-20 rule—eat the “right” way 80% of the time, and don’t worry about the other 20% too much. The “right” way is up to you and what your body needs. Everyone is different and needs different things! For me, that’s mostly plant-based!
Frankly, it’s easy for me to stay on track with my plant-based diet while I’m traveling because it makes me feel my best. But, I’m never a slave to it, if I want something different, I go for it! When I’m on vacation, I bend that rule a bit and try to eat “right” 70% of the time and don’t worry about the extra glass of wine or cheese plate I have! Life’s too short—right?!
Stay Active to Stay Healthy While Traveling
I always make sure to pack plenty of athletic gear and sneakers because I love being able to stay active and keep up a somewhat normal exercise routine while we’re gone. We went to Florida a few years ago and I did yoga by the pool and went for long walks everyday, it was awesome!
I always feel so much better after I do something active. Plus, they’re super comfortable and perfect for hanging around the house in! I love these Amazon tanks, shorts and always make sure to bring a baseball hat and sneakers!
Workout Clothes
Get Plenty of Rest
This is never hard for me on trips. Vacation is the time where I just let any work obligations go and relax. I’ll go to bed early or take a nap in the middle of the day if I feel like I need it. Getting enough sleep while you’re traveling will make your days so much more enjoyable too!
What other tips do you have to stay healthy while traveling? Are you going on any trips soon?!
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