Can you believe it? Seven whole weeks of staying at home. I used to think I was a homebody, but this has taken it to a whole new level. And, I’ve learned that I do in fact quite enjoy leaving my house, seeing friends, meeting up for playdates and dinner dates, or even leaving the house to go to the coffee shop for a solo work day.
Things I’ll never take for granted again!
What I’ve found over these past few weeks is that the emotions come in waves, for me at least.
One day, I’m super mom. I cook, I clean. And I make homemade sourdough, fancy dinners, and smoothies for the whole family. I clean and do laundry, cheerfully. I sit patiently and do crafts with Owen and go to bed feeling immensely grateful. Grateful for our health, a happy home, a loving relationship—I literally lay there thinking of anything that pops into my head and say a little thank you.

Then other days, I swing hard the other way.
Stress, overwhelm, exhaustion, the feeling like WILL THIS EVER END? These past few weeks this has happened at LEAST once a week. It’s like I let it build up all week, and then boom, it comes out of nowhere. I cry, I go inward and realize how much I’ve been giving and giving and how I need to take a moment do focus on something for myself.
I did a really good job of prioritizing self-care early on in this, but I guess the novelty wore off and some nights I felt more like I was in survival mode than anything else.
Things I’m Looking Forward To
- Seeing my family and friends
- Going out for a meal
- Taking Owen to the park
- Going to a barre class in person
- Planning a trip
- Starting our house hunt (no showings happening right now, which is understandable)
- Going to the grocery without a face mask
But, the point of this post isn’t just to tell you how I’m feeling, but to ask you—how are you doing? What’s been the toughest thing about quarantine for you? What are you looking forward to doing most when all this is over?

Lastly, hang in there friends, this is all for the best and it’ll be in our rearview mirror before we know it!
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