Lately, I feel like I’ve either read or heard a lot about putting what you want for yourself out into the universe. It started with my Rachel Hollis journal (which you can totally do without the journal), and intentionally writing down the things you want for yourself and your life down every day. I’d be lying if I said I did this everyday, but I try to do it at least once or twice a week. It majorly helps with that big picture thinking and keeps me focused and motivated.
Then I heard it again when we were watching ‘Crashing“
Have you guys seen this Netflix show?! It’s pretty funny, but anyway, Pete’s new girlfriend tells him that he needs to make a vision board because putting what you want out into the universe help you to manifest your own dreams. And, I think she’s onto something (even though later episodes make me think she’s a little bit of a psycho girlfriend, but whatever). Sometimes, all it takes it saying something out loud to someone you trust for your luck to change, for the right opportunity to fall into your lap, for the right message to pop up on your Instagram feed.
I was talking to my mom the other day and she had the perfect example. My grandparents have been hoping to move into a senior living community, but the waitlist had been too long. My dad had a ton of stuff going on and told my mom, if they could get in there soon, that would be great. The very next day, they got the call that a space had become available. Magic? No. Coincidence? Maybe. But either way, speaking up and asking the universe for what you want can really work.
It’s a good reminder for us to speak up, to share our dreams and goals with people we trust.
Because when you say it out loud or write it down, it suddenly becomes tangible. It’s no longer just a thought in your brain, it’s REAL. It’s out there in the world, and now you can actually make it happen.
Something I really love from Rachel’s journal is that she has you write down your 10 goals or dreams for yourself as if you’ve already accomplished them. So instead of, “I want a million dollars in the bank,” you’d write, “I have a million dollars in the bank”—that’s an example she used in the book, but I like it, because, duh, who doesn’t want a million dollars in the bank?
That simple shift from “I want,” to “I have” makes those goals so much more solid and absolute. They don’t feel like outlandish crazy dreams, they seem totally and completely possible. Envisioning your life as if you already have hit those goals gives you more confidence to go after them because you know it will happen. You already did it, remember?! Hahaha, I guess it’s a bit of a mind trick, but hey, it works and you should totally give it a try.
Maybe you’re feeling stuck on something…
Or there’s something you really want, but don’t know where to start—put it out into the universe, write it down, make it more than just an idea floating around in your brain. But, be ready, because the universe is listening and it might surprise you how quickly things come together!
Have any of you tried out this journaling technique or had your own experience of putting something out in the world, only to have it answered quickly?! I’d love to hear!
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