I know what you might be thinking, I don’t have much of a butt, and you’re right. The first one is to cook and eat healthier (more on that at a later date) and the second, get a butt.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a pretty flat rear. I blame genetics mostly. Anyway, more recently I’ve started noticing that jeans, dresses, swimsuit bottoms and skirts just don’t fit like they should because there’s nothing in the back to fill them out.
Over the break, I told my sisters about my bootie-woes, showing them snapshots of booties and wondering why I wasn’t blessed with a round backside. They laughed a bit and then made me do a few workouts with them that will surely help out my situation over time. The best thing is that this workout can easily be done at home with just a few free weights. The gym in our building has those which makes it so much easier for me to stick to it.

10 Lunges, each side
Start in a standing position and step back into a lunge. Stand up and repeat on the other side, do a total of 20, 10 on each side.
25 Goblet Squats
Start with your legs hip’s width apart and a weight in your hands. Sit deep, make sure your knees don’t go too far over your ankles and stand back up to complete one.
15 Donkey Kicks, each side
Start on your hands and knees with one leg straight out and your knee at a 90 degree andle. Press your leg straight up to complete one rep. Repeat on the other side.
10 Dead Lifts
Hold two dumbells (weight is up to you, I do 10lb weights), bend down until your back is parallel to the ground. Make sure you hold in your belly and keep your back flat to avoid injury. Stand up and repeat.
10 Single Leg Dead Lifts, each side
Similar to the exercise above, but do it on one leg and raise the other leg as you bend down. Again, hold your belly in tight!
15 Single Leg Raises, each side
Lay on your back and raise your booty up to the sky. Point one leg up and dip your butt down and then back up. Finish one side and switch to the other side.
20 Plank Raises
Start in a normal plank position with your body parallel to the ground. Suck your belly in and raise your butt to the sky and then back down to parallel. Make sure to not let your hips dip too far to avoid straining your back.
15 Side Leg Lifts, each side
Lay on your side and raise your leg up and down. For more resistance, use a rubber band.
50 Bicycle Crunches
Lay on your back and alternate sides and legs like you’re riding a bicycle.
10 Tricep Lifts
Hold a dumbell behind your head and raise it up, when you go down, don’t let it go further than your elbows.
10 Curls, each side
Start with dumbells in your hands with your fingers facing out. Curl up to your shoulders and repeat until you reach ten.
They’re pretty straightforward exercises. Nothing too complicated, but I can’t promise that they’re easy! My sisters also recommended upping the weight as you get stronger to increase booty mass, ha! I’m still working with pretty small weights, but you’ve got to start somewhere!

If getting in shape (or toning your butt) was a part of your new year’s resolutions, pin this workout to keep on hand when you need a quick, simple and straightforward workout that you can do from anywhere. If you already have a killer bootie, lucky you!
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