Leggings: Tri-Tone Workout Leggings, also love this 3/4 pair & this pair | Top: Slashback Crop, also love this one & this one | Accessories: Yoga Mat, Swell Water Bottle, I actually like the biggest size better! Black Nikes
On those days that I’m barely able to get myself motivated to put on workout clothes, sometimes a simple abs workout at home is all I need to get moving. We don’t have any equipment at home, other than my yoga mat, so I stick to body weight workouts that don’t require anything! Lately I’ve been doing this ab workout routine—perfect since summer is officially here! Who else is trying to get a flat stomach?!
These core exercises are something you can do in just 15 minutes in your living room before you hop in the shower! Super easy, right?! I’m so happy that the weather has been better so I can pull out my favorite workout gear from Outdoor Voices again. I’m wearing a small on both top and bottom for reference and guys, their stuff is so good! It’s also really cute and doesn’t feel too sporty. I’m totally comfortable wearing it to brunch after a yoga class or just hanging out in it all day because it’s insanely comfortable!

1. Basic Sit-ups

I honestly forget about basic sit-ups from time to time, but they’re a great ab workout! Start on your back with your hands behind your head and your knees up. Sit-up until your body is just in front of your knees. With a controlled movement go back down. Finish 15 sit-ups and move onto the next step!
2. Commandos

Commandos are tough, but they give both your abs and arms a really good workout! Start like you’re in a push-up position, then lower to one elbow, then the next and then push back up, one arm at a time. Do 12 on one side and then switch. You’ll do 24 total!

Workout Favorites
3. Bicycle Crunches

You’ve probably done these before and they’re great for targeting your obliques—the muscles on the sides of your mid-section. Make sure to not crunch your neck when you’re doing these and work on bringing your elbow to your knee, not your knee to your elbow. You’ll do 25 on each side for a total of 50 bicycle crunches.
4. One Minute Plank
Planks may look easy, but don’t be fooled! They’re tough and a really great ab strengthener! Make sure your butt, legs and back are in-line. If your butt is sagging, it can hurt your lower back and you don’t want that. Set a timer for a minute and play some music in the meantime to distract you. Drop to your knees when your timer goes off!
5. Leg Raises

Lay on your back with your arms to your sides, or slightly under your butt—that’s more comfortable for me. Hover your legs above the ground and slowly bring them up to the sky. Lower them back to the hover and then back up again. You’ll do 25 total.
Finish the first round up and repeat one to two more times! It might take you a while to build up to three total rounds, so don’t get discouraged.

Do you have any core workouts that you love to do at home? What brand of workout gear is your favorite?
BTW, 6 moves for a better butt, and 22 of the best Amazon workout clothes.
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