If you missed it, last week we were in Naples, Florida with Rob’s whole family! It was the longest vacation we’d taken in probably a year (excluding holidays), and it was so amazing!
I’d been looking forward to this trip for months and of course, it was over in a blink of an eye!
We flew out on a Saturday, which worked out perfectly since Owen was sick with a stomach bug and throwing up all day Thursday and Friday—can you imagine if our flight had been Friday evening?! Phew!
I packed all of our stuff in my new suitcase from Monos.com, which they graciously gifted me! If you’re looking for a new suitcase, I couldn’t recommend this one more! It comes in several different (all gorgeous colors)—I had a hard time deciding between this rose quartz and the army green, but went with the pink because I thought it was fun. The size shown here is the check-in size, and I also got the carry-on as well, but couldn’t convince Rob to pack his stuff in a pink bag, so we just brought this one.

The inside has great compartments for storing things like flat sandals, and good buckles to make sure everything is stored tightly so it shows up looking fresh. One of the best features is of course the wheels, haha! They rolled so smooth which was really wonderful while I was trying to push the stroller with one hand and steer my luggage with the other (Rob had another bag and the car seat in case you think he wasn’t helping out).
It comes with a dust bag too, which in the future, I would recommend putting your suitcase in. I meant to do it, but when we got to the airport that morning, the line was incredibly long and they didn’t have Owen on our record and before we knew it, the bag was checked and I forgot to put it on. It did have a few marks on it when we got it back, but not too bad! If you’re worried about that, definitely make sure you put it in the dust bag and/or opt for a darker color where the marks wouldn’t be as visible.
Our trip was a pretty lazy one, but I was 100% okay with it! I don’t think I realized how much my body and mind needed a break to just step away from it all and spend time in the sunshine, sand and water. We went to the beach almost every day, went on walks, did yoga in the backyard (okay, that was just me), had a few tasty dinners out on the town, and many more yummy dinners cooked at home.

I’m sorry if you hope this would be a “what to do in Naples” style post. This trip was all about relaxation, disconnecting from work/obligations and resting! I just wanted to share some fun family pictures since I don’t normally share those around here! Enjoy!
BTW, 10 tips on traveling with a toddler, and how to use packing cubes.
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