I recently adopted a new habit that I touched on last month. Rob calls it OCD, but I call it 10 minute nightly tidy up. It wasn’t my idea originally — I got it from The Happiness Project and it’s a serious game-changer.

The whole idea is to spend 10 minutes before bed, or earlier in the evening (whatever suits you) to go around tidy up the little messes around the house. Simply set a timer and get to work!
Guys, do you know how much you can do in 10 minutes? A whole lot.
Before you think I’m totally crazy, I’m not talking about scrubbing with Windex and bleach, but instead just getting things organized and put back in their place. You know, things like pushing the chairs in at the dinner table, putting water glasses in the dishwasher, fluffing the pillows, hanging up coats and putting laundry in the hamper — I could go on and on, but you get it.
Once the timer goes off, I always feel so much more accomplished and ready for bed! It sort of clears your brain knowing that everything is in its place. The biggest benefit is waking up to a clean house the next morning. It sets my morning off on a great note!
Have you tried the nightly tidy up? What do you think of it?
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