A few weeks ago, I mentioned my theme for this month—finding balance and forgetting about little worries. In short, I’m simply trying to chill out. Why? Because I just want to live more and enjoy life as it’s happening.
It’s funny really, for so long, I was so focused on being a girl boss. Completing work in record time, checking things off my to-do list, securing new projects and building up that savings account felt like my sole focus the past two years. There’s nothing wrong with that, but recently something changed.
The stress and busyness of it all was suddenly so old.
I didn’t want to feel like I was constantly competing. It was exhausting, tiring and creatively draining. The worst part was that all the pressure I felt was coming directly from me. I wondered, is my view of success shifting as I get older? Maybe, but I’m okay with it.
This month has started to feel different. I’m taking more time to do the things I want to do—both for work and personally. I’ve been spending more time writing meaningful and intentional content, less time worrying about the number of ‘Likes’ and comments I receive on social media.
I no longer feel like I’ve failed when I miss an Instagram post or ignore my phone for an entire day while spending time with friends or family. I relish in the time I spend reading a book or sitting by the pool in the middle of the day. This shift in mindset and attitude has already made me so much more content. And all that stress and anxiety that can come from entrepreneurship is slowly waning.

The key? Taking time for yourself to do something you want to do. Last week, that was a relaxed, long lunch with a friend. I wore this cute new cowled sweater tank that I’m completely in love with! It comes in a few more colors and I’m tempted to buy the grey. I paired it with these affordable ripped jeans, lace up sandals and this new feed bag (small version here) that I already know will be on repeat all fall—the color is perfect!
Even if you’re still in total girl boss mode, it’s still so important to get away from all the hustle and bustle! Here are a few ways you can take time for yourself:

1. Take a Personal Day
Sure, taking a day off might seem like a total luxury, but chances are you can make it happen. Most jobs give you a few personal days, so why aren’t you taking advantage.
Take a day off, sleep in late, make a big fancy breakfast, go see a movie or go for a long walk! Do whatever YOU want to do, it’s your day off after all!
The toughest thing is just making it happen, so look at your calendar, pick a day and tell your boss, or if you work from home, write it down in your calendar and plan the week before to make sure you’re not stressed when the day comes!
2. Get a Coffee & Read
A few weeks ago I was having drinks with friends at Soho House and looked over at a guy sitting in a big comfy chair with a cup of coffee and a book. Other than his keys, he had nothing else with him.
So, head to your favorite coffee shop with a good book and your wallet. Leave your phone at home and take an hour (or longer) to just unwind and disconnect.

3. Leave your Phone at Home
Next time you go out for a meal, leave your phone at home. Even if it’s in your purse or your pocket on silent, it’s still there and serves as a distraction. Just leave it. You’ll be surprised and how relaxed you feel!
4. Get a Facial
Have you had a facial before? I swear by them and typically get one every 6-8 weeks, which reminds me, I need to book one! It’s such a nice way to pamper yourself! It’s so relaxing and has the added benefit of helping to clear your skin. Plus, they usually only take an hour, so you could easily pop in at the end of your work day!
5. Cook a New Recipe
If you hate cooking, this one might not sound as fun, but for me, cooking is super relaxing. I love making fancy, complicated recipes when I have the time. I always appreciate the food more too.
Last week I made homemade marinara sauce, and I took an extra long time slow-cooking and simmering it. The product was not only delicious, but also such a soothing and relaxing thing to do on a Sunday afternoon.
Has your view on what success looks like changed with age? How do you like to take time for yourself?
BTW, 9 tips for taking care of yourself after having a baby, and what is the difference between retinol and retinoid.
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