Lately, I’ve been thinking about happiness and simple ways to add more of it to life. And not in a forced way where I’m crossing something off my “do this to be happy” checklist, but in a natural, blissed-out state.
Last weekend, I was at a friend’s BBQ and someone brought a Frisbee. The guys tossed it around for a bit, and then the girls hesitantly joined for a game of Three Flies Up (remember this?!). After falling over ourselves as we all tried to catch the Frisbee, I looked around to see every single adult laughing hard!
After such a surprisingly amusing activity, it made me reminisce about being a kid and how every day was filled with simple silliness. Nowadays, fun is usually scheduled in, and often overthinking our own happiness can get in the way of actually having a good time.
Frisbee got me daydreaming about other ways to incorporate what made me happy in my youth to the serious days of adulthood. Here’s what I’ll be adding—and have already started adding—to my days:

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Somewhere between friends getting into relationships and my mid-20s, sleepovers seemed to vanish. But back in the day, there was nothing better than staying up late, gossiping, and getting quality time in a pillow fort. I’m not sure why I stopped this practice with age, but I’m definitely inviting my girlfriends over for an entire night of movies, hair braiding, and cuddles ASAP.
Favorite Activities
I loved volleyball growing up and then I stopped playing it. Why? Because I went to college and had different priorities, not because I stopped enjoying it. I want to add more of these activities—or even new ones that look fun, like tennis—into my weeks. I don’t know if I can commit to making a fool of myself (or let’s be real, getting hurt) for a weekly team or anything, but bringing a volleyball to the beach would definitely suffice.
Simple Games
Games are still part of adulthood, with mature ones like Scategories showing face at get-togethers, but whatever happened to Hide & Seek or Duck, Duck, Goose? Simple ones where you didn’t have to do any prep or use much brain energy for that matter. I guarantee that adults trying to fit into small, hidden spaces would get as many laughs as a NSFW game of Cards Against Humanity. I’ll be bringing back these classics!
Being Outdoors Until the Lights Come On
Remember how you’d stay outside playing until the very last second when the street lights came on? Nowadays, I just don’t spend enough time outside—especially during the week. Days quickly fly by at my desk, and soon enough it’s 10 p.m. and it’s dark. I’m vowing to start spending time outside—walks, eating dinner, etc.—for as much daylight as possible.

Coloring has regained popularity now that it’s a “meditation technique,” which I think is great, but I went to find a coloring book recently and they were all $20. I couldn’t get myself to buy a fancy one, but I did score some really cool colored pencils and a plain notepad. I doodled while on a call later that day and my notepad has become a very happy addition to phone calls or zone-out periods. All for about $5.
What made you happiest as a child? Do you incorporate any of that into life now?
BTW, the timing will never be perfect.
Today’s post is written by contributor Chelsea Becker, a San Diego native, living and writing in San Francisco. Follow her on Instagram & Pinterest.
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