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Is it just me, or is the whole concept of ‘getting healthy’ kind of ambitious. Sure, it’s a great goal to have, but if you don’t have actual steps outlined to reach your healthy goals, how do you expect to stay on track and get there?
The past few weeks, I’ve been feeling pretty unhealthy. Eating poorly, not drinking enough water or getting enough exercise and drinking too much wine (always a struggle).
How to Be Healthy
Drink More Water
Drinking more water is hard for me, I get distracted and just forget, and sometimes I just don’t want any more water! My biggest tip for getting more water is to keep a water bottle on your desk. I drink soon much more water when I have that than just a glass. No idea why, but it works!
Now when I get tired of plain ole water, I squeeze some lemon into really cold water to change things up! The citrus flavor perks me up and cold water apparently burns more calories than warm water, though it’s very minimal!

Pass on the Cow’s Milk
Since I’m a bit on the lactose intolerant side, I don’t eat much dairy at all, but if you do, consider ditching cow’s milk for a vegetable-based alternative. I’ve come to love almond milk, but soy milk or coconut milk (go easy, coconut milk is high in fat!) are also great non-dairy alternatives. I still eat cheese, but very minimally! Other benefits of cutting back on your dairy intake are weight loss, clearer skin and increased energy! Don’t forget to get you calcium though!
Walk More
Walking is soooo good for you! I’m thankful for Oliver who makes me walk at least 30 minutes to an hour twice a day. One easy way to walk more, invest in shoes (other than sneakers), like these Taylor Shine boots, that are comfortable to walk in all day, and also cute! You’ll be more likely to walk to lunch or take a stroll during your break if your feet don’t hurt.
These adorable Clark’s boots from have been perfect for our morning walks! P.S. If you’ve never shopped on before, you should know they have super fast shipping, a great return policies, as well as a huge selection of products!

Be Thankful
I know it sounds crazy, but when you’re thankful, it makes you feel better and when you feel better, you more likely to make better decisions. Whether it’s eating healthier, going to the gym more or just being kind to your body. Being thankful can really boost your health.
Eat Breakfast
If you’re trying to lose weight, skipping breakfast might sound like a good idea, but it’s not! Eating a healthy breakfast kick starts your metabolism! Plus, if you skip breakfast, you might be tempted to over-indulge in lunch.

Eat More Salads
I love salads, so this one is easy for me, but switching out one meal a day for a salad, is a great way to make healthier decisions. But skip the creamy dressings! Stick to vinaigrette and always order on the side so you can dress your salad yourself. I always find that restaurants drown their salads in dressing—yuck.
Skip the Wine
I fully admit that this one is hard for me. A glass of wine at the end of a hard day helps me relax and unwind. You know what else does that too? A quick jog down the lakefront or a quick 30 minutes on the stair master or elliptical machine!

Take the Stairs
Okay, if you work on the twentieth floor I’m not suggesting you walk all the way up there, but when it’s just a couple of floors, do it! It’s the little things like this that keep you motivated to make better decisions throughout the day.
The best part? All of these things are simple steps that you can actually do today.
What simple choices do you make each day to be healthier?
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