Need a morning routine checklist that makes you feel amazing each and everyday? Build one that fits your life, schedule and personal needs with these recommendations.

Mornings with kids can be so hectic and crazy and when your day starts off stressful, it can lead to the rest of the day being less than ideal. As we head into summer, our mornings are less structured and after a few weeks, I realized I desperately needed a morning routine checklist that kept me sane and our household running smoothly, especially since I don’t identify as a morning person.
I’ve also read that many successful people thrive off a morning routine checklist and I think that’s because when part of your day is pre-decided for you, you have less to think about and more time to be more creative.
Creating a morning routine checklist with your favorite healthy habits can make these things really stick and improve your life more and more over time. These morning rituals can become the basis for an ideal morning and great day.
If your current morning routine isn’t doing it for you, let’s dive into some routine ideas and mindful practices that I find beneficial, so you can build up those productive and intentional morning habits that lead to a sense of accomplishment early in your day.
Benefits of a Morning Routine
As moms, we’re often running the show and have a zillion tabs open in our brain, having a set productive morning routine can create some sense of normalcy, routine and control in our sometimes wild lives.
A morning routine is essential for busy moms as it provides structure, organization, and a sense of control to start the day. By following a set routine, moms can prioritize tasks, streamline their morning, and ensure that important responsibilities are not overlooked.
A well-planned morning routine can lead to maximum productivity, reduce our stress levels, and a more positive mindset for tackling the day ahead. In addition, incorporating self-care activities into a morning routine can help moms feel more balanced, energized, and ready to take on the demands of the day.
Morning Routine Checklist for Busy Moms
Prep The Night Before
The best way to get your day started right is to prep a few hours before bed the prepping the night before. Preparing the night before can lead to a much smoother morning for you by reducing stress, allowing for more time to focus on important tasks, and ensuring that everything is organized and ready to go for the busy day ahead.
Create a To-Do List
Before going to bed, take a few minutes to create a to-do list for the next day so you can prioritize your most challenging tasks or important daily tasks or work projects and start your morning with a clear plan in mind. Make sure you set realistic goals so you can actally feel good at the end of he day (I struggle with this and often put too many things on my plate, but I’m getting better!).
If you have some difficult tasks on your list, knock them out first thing in the morning. It will make you more productive and feel accomplished for the rest of the day.
This allows you to brain dump all the things in your head, so when you go to bed, you can just relax and fall asleep instead of thinking about all the things that need to happen the next day.
10 Minute Tidy Up
The 10-minute tidy up is on of my go-to mom hacks when I’m feeling stressed and overwhelmed. I personally get really overwhelmed and stressed by all the visual clutter around the house, so putting it away before bed allows me to feel calm and relaxed.
You simply take just 10 minutes to pick up and put away any items that are out of place, such as toys, clothes, pillows, shoes or dishes. You might not get to everything, but that’s okay—you’ll be shocked by how much you can do in 10-minutes! This small task can make a big difference in creating a more organized and stress-free environment for everyone in the morning.
Prep Lunches & Kids’ Stuff the Night Before
Packing lunch and getting kids’ bags ready the night before makes mornings easier because it saves time and reduces stress in the morning rush, allowing for a smoother start to the day. It also ensures that everything needed for the day is prepared and ready to go, minimizing the chances of forgetting essential items.
I don’t always do this, but when I do, I’m reminded of how much easier it makes my mornings! I actually have time to enjoy my smoothie instead of just rushing around drinking it in between tasks.
Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for all of us, but especially moms. A good night’s sleep allows you to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead—aim for 8 hours of sleep whenever possible
RELATED: How to Get Better Sleep—5 Tips
Make sure you’re going to bed early enough so you have the energy and focus to go into your next day with ease. Try to go to bed at a consistent time each night as well. Prioritizing sleep is essential for overall well-being and productivity.
Stay off your Phone
It’s not just about getting enough sleep though, we want good sleep quality as well! So, stay off your phone at night. Looking at blue lights stimulates your brain to wake up, instead of slow down.
Even if you have the blue light turned off on your phone, scrolling Instagram or checking emails before bed can lead to poor sleep quality cause more anxiety and stress. Plug it in before your nightly routine and don’t look at it!
Get Up at the Same Time Every Day

Waking up at the same time every day and avoiding hitting snooze helps to establish a consistent sleep schedule, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm. It also sets the tone for the day by providing a sense of structure and routine, making it easier to plan and prioritize tasks.
Additionally, hitting snooze and falling back asleep can actually make you feel more tired, so once your alarm goes off, just get up. Even if you sit in bed for a few minutes, don’t fall back asleep!
Make your bed too! This is such a simple and quick task that really sets my brain up for a good day. It also signals that rest is over and it’s time to get going.
Hydrate Early

When you first wake up, drink a glass of water. You always want to have water before coffee. Hydrating early in the day is important because it helps to kickstart your metabolism, rehydrate your body after sleep, and promote detoxification. So drink water when you wake up. This can be plain water or mix it with some lemon juice if you have a hard time getting enough water.
By incorporating a mindful hydration ritual, such as drinking warm water infused with lemon or apple cider vinegar, you can support your digestion, improve skin health, and enhance your overall well-being as you wake up each morning.
I find that if I don’t get in that initial water in my day, I end up drinking less throughout the day which makes me feel foggy, tired and slows my digestion. Make sure to keep a water bottle (I love this 40oz. one, cliché, I know, but it’s great!) on your all day too to stay hydrated past the morning.
Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Eating a healthy breakfast is important for a focused and productive morning and rest of the day as it provides essential nutrients to fuel the body and brain, leading to sustained energy levels, improved concentration, and overall well-being throughout the day.
We love starting our day with this peanut butter banana smoothie that’s high in protein and fiber and keeps me full for long. I always suggest that you have breakfast before that cup of coffee, matcha or other morning beverage to keep your cortisol levels balanced.
For Kids

I find that if my kids have structure to their mornings, everything runs more smoothly, especially after a restful sleep. I give them age-appropriate tasks like bringing their plate to. sink, making their bed, feeding the dog, putting laundry away and getting themselves dressed. Ths encourages independence and talso gives me less stuff to do.the
School Drop-off
Depending on the time of year, school drop off might be camp drop off or something else. In our household, we switch off for pick up and drop offs, so we can each have a morning or afternoon to ourselves to get ahead on work or household chores. This also signals the end of one part of our morning and the shift into another part.
Sometimes we do daily affirmations for a little positive reinforcement before they head out into their day!
If your kids are home with you, this could be a good time to initiate some independent play while you do some at home movement, or take them with you on a walk—we all know pushing a stroller is hard work!
Move your Body

Daily morning movement is essential for both the body and mind because it helps improve circulation, flexibility, alertness and muscle tension and gives you a good energy boost early in the day. A quick workout also releases “happy chemicals” like serotonin and dopamine, which contribute to better focus, energy, and overall mood. Best of all, it doesn’t have to be much—I’m not suggesting you head out to the gym for an hour for your morning workout—though if you want to, that’s fine too!
Something as simple as going for a 15 minute walk, doing a quick yoga flow, stretching or doing a few jumping jacks can help wake your body up, improve your physical health, give you mental energy, set a positive tone for the day, increase productivity, and have you feeling more energized and ready to tackle whatever your day has in store come your way.
RELATED: How to Start Working Out Again & Find a Routine You Love
I signed up for an online workout program that’s mostly pilates and I love that I can do it from the comfort of my own home and fit it in, even when my days are jam-packed.
Quiet Reflection Time or Meditation

A few years ago, I started a mindfulness meditation practice, and even though it’s not something I always do daily, it makes such a big difference in my day, my patience and my mindset. This is quiet reflection time could be meditation, positive affirmations, prayer, journaling or whatever you like!
I personally love to do my 10 minutes of meditation and then use a gratitude journal to get my mental health in a positive place before the day gets started. This is such a powerful tool for staying focused on your primary goals.
Taking a moment to give your brain some room to clear the mental clutter allows you room to think and breathe and can make your reactions to stressful moments far more intentional and thoughtful.
RELATED: How to Create a Morning Meditation Routine
Get Ready for Your Day
Lastly, a simple step that shouldn’t be overlooked!
Getting ready for the day by putting on real clothes is important because it signals to our brains that it’s time to shift gears and be productive. I know how hard this can be now that so many of us work from home, but it really makes a big difference.
It helps to transition from a relaxed state to a focused mindset for tackling tasks and goals. When we take the time to get dressed and do our hair and makeup, even if it’s just minimal (mine always is), it boosts our energy and motivates us to be active and accomplish our daily responsibilities.
I hope this helps you to build your ideal morning routine checklist that makes this crazy time of day more enjoyable and peaceful. Remember, most successful people have a consistent morning routine and while it might not be perfect at first, try out some different daily habits and make tweaks improvements over time until you find your perfect morning routine that leads to more joy in life every single day.
BTW, 8 proven immune system boosters, and 8 ways to adopt slow living and enjoy life more.
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