Outfit Details: Alder Sweater | Button Fly Jeans
Dark spots, scars, uneven skin tone, wrinkles—ah, the joys of getting older, amiright?!
But, in all seriousness, my skin is kind of my obsession. It’s by no means perfect, but we’re getting there. Slowly, but surely. I’ve made diet changes, tried cleanses, go to the sauna and steam room regularly (both are great for ridding your body of toxins—plus they feel so good in the winter!)
Diet Changes
I always considered myself a pretty healthy person—I ate lots of salads, cut back on cheese and dairy and swapped egg whites for regular eggs. But, it wasn’t doing much for my skin. This past year, I’ve really gotten more serious about cutting out things that don’t make me feel good, and guess, what? It’s helped. For the most part, I try to avoid dairy and gluten as much as I can. I don’t avoid them completely because I just don’t think that’s a fun way to live, but I do feel better and my skin looks better when there’s less of those in my diet.
My mornings have changed recently too. I now start my day with lots of water, then celery juice and then fruit. I read Medical Medium and have been avoiding fat before lunchtime as best as I can and I have had so much energy! I’ll share more on this in the near future! But, overall, diet changes have been helpful in clearing my skin and keeping it looking healthy!

Short “Detoxes”
The word detox gets such a bad rap—it makes us think of juice cleanses and strict rules, but to me, a detox, is simply cutting out wine for a few days, only eating whole foods, staying extra hydrated and getting lots of sleep. Maybe I throw in a few extra workout classes! I try to do this during the week, for a few days at a time.
Skincare Boosts

So much of the way our skin looks is a direct result of what we’re putting in our bodies. But, that doesn’t mean we can’t give our skin a boost with some awesome products! When we’re working to restore the inside AND outside, the results happen much faster. One of my favorite products is this Resurfacing Peel that’s safe and free of harmful ingredients. It’s even safe enough to use during pregnancy! If you haven’t joined my Better Beauty email series, you can below, AND you’ll get a little something special just for signing up!
With continued, regular use, my skin looks smoother, more radiant and my scars and dark spots are less noticeable!
Another product I love is this Pro-Glycolic Toner from TULA. Use code BLAIR for 20% too! I find that when I use it in combination with the Resurfacing Peel, I get the best results! A few face masks during the week also helps.
Steam Room & Sauna
Both are great for building up heat within your body and boosting your immune system. Both will make you sweat, which helps get rid of toxins. I find that the steam room is especially great for my skin and try to go at least once a week! I really should go more often, especially in winter, simply because it feels so good!

Sweat it Out
Similar in theory to my tip above is working up a good sweat with an intense workout. No matter what type of workout you like to do, commit to going at least 1-2x a week and getting good and sweaty! Just make sure your skin is clean and makeup free before you start sweating!
This week, I’m going to see my trainer, doing a BBG workout (do any of you guys use the Sweat app?) and hopefully a hot yoga class while we’re in Denver!
What tips do you have for getting rid of dark spots and evening skin tone?!
BTW, the quickest bright eyes makeup trick, and DIY serums for clear and glowy skin.
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